About the P-SAFE Study

You are invited to take part in this study on treatment-related costs and other financial burdens for cancer patients. We (the study team) are hoping to learn about your cancer related costs since beginning your treatments (which might include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination) and see how these expenses may be affecting your  family’s finances.

The costs included in this investigation are: medical costs, non-medical costs (travel, parking, daycare, etc.), and the impact of your illness on your ability to work. We are also hoping to get an idea about your health insurance purchases and understand if additional insurance purchases would have been helpful in managing any of your cancer related costs.

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to complete a survey at three different times:

  • Shortly after signing the consent form
  • Two months after entering the study
  • Four months after entering the study

The survey can be done at clinic visits or online. Each survey will take approximately 20 minutes.